Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update

-SMART GOAL: to drink 12 oz. of water a day out of the facet or a drinking fountain and to not drink out of a plastic bottle.
-Success- I did it! I drank 12oz of water everyday and did not drink our of any plastic water bottles. Me and a girl were studying in the library one day and she bright a snack and some plastic water bottles for each of us. I thanked her and told her how I am not drinking my water out of a plastic bottle and explained why. She understood and said she is going to try and cut back on her consumption of water out of a plastic bottle, so that was good.
I did not really face any challenges this week with my goal so I was rather pleased.
-This week I felt really good because it was the first week that I fully met my goal. I felt successful and happy about doing so!
-I learned that I can set reasonable goals and meet them when I put forth my best effort and really make a conscious effort about meeting my goal.
-For the upcoming week I am going to up my water intake. I am going to try to drink 16oz of water each day and make sure not to drink out of any plastic bottles. I am also going to try to put some money aside to purchase a camel back water bottle which I hear will contribute to my success with this goal even more! :)

Picture of camel back water bottles

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain


  1. Keep it up! Kind of random, but I have one of these water bottles with the straw. I always keep it with me when I'm teaching my fitness classes but it's very tricky to quench my thirst when I'm huffing and puffing and trying to get the water, that's a workout within itself.

  2. I love this post! So many good things! First, I think you did face a challenge this week: someone handed you a bottled water and you turned it down :) You could have easily accepted it, but you didn't, way to stay strong! Congrats on reaching your goal officially, I think it is really exciting and is something we should be proud of. I know you will be successful next week even though you upped your water intake.

  3. It's awesome that you got to share with your friend in the library why people shouldn't drink bottled water. Nice job spreading awareness! I would also love a camelback bottle! I see everyone with them and which bums me out since I lost mine! Great job completing your goal!!!

  4. Congratulations! It is such a good feeling to achieve goals. Keep up the good work. I cannot express enough how helpful the Camelbak water bottle is!
