Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Share & Voice: DuluthStreams.Org

I went to the UMD homepage and searched Environmental topics that relate to our campus and surrounding city.  There were a lot of different interesting websites and links that popped up.  One of them that I found rather interesting and wanted to bring to your attention was a website called DuluthStreams.org.
On the UMD reference link page (http://www.duluth.umn.edu/ceed/reference_links.html) it says that this website talks about history, geology, biology, water quality, recreation, human impacts, and management of 42 streams in Duluth, MN.  I thought that this information seemed interesting and some of the topics related really well to some of the things we are discussing and learning about in Environmental Health.  Two if the topics that stood out most to me were human impacts and water quality. 
This is an interesting website to visit and you are able to check out some of the information and facts listed and talked about on the homepage of this website.  Hopefully you will be able to learn something new!  Let me know if you have any other questions or comments.

This picture was taken from Google.


  1. I think the website was really interesting and you are right, some of the topics related really well with our class. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  2. I liked the American Rivers website a lot. There was a lot of information I did not know about rivers in the U.S. and helped me to learn a little bit about them! What a great find, thanks!

  3. Great website! I think that we live in such a beautiful part of Minnesota, and most college students do not take advantage of it! I have a stream very close to my house, and I have only hiked around it once in the last three years! I didn't realize that there were so many around this area. Thank you for sharing!

  4. What a great site! I agree with Kara, many college students don't take advantage of our wonderful trails and streams at UMD. I am guilty of this myself, I never even wandered back towards Bagley until we had class over there Monday.

  5. Just wondering, what intrigued you most about the topics: human impacts and water quality? I believe I have heard of 'CEED' before, isn't their office located down the hall next to the Romano Gym and right before the stairwell?

  6. This site looks very resourceful. I think we take what we have for granted sometimes, we live in an awesome location. Great post!
