Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Eye Opener: Environmental Learning Activities

Here are the answers and observations I was able to complete for who was done with their activities!
Carly did a crossword puzzle and I thought this was a great way to put information together and to really get us to think about what was going on.  She also included a quiz and some other links in her post that taught us even more information about food borne illness. As Carly said in her post, this illness effects over 76 million people a year....which is a lot!  It is important that we are aware of this and understand what it is so that we can hopefully never have to experience something like this. Thank you for sharing this knowledge with me Carly in such a beneficial way!
JD had a crossword puzzle that he wanted us to complete. I thought this was a neat way to go about doing this and I enjoyed trying to find some of the answers. His crossword puzzle was ways that we can be more eco-chick! I found a bit of them to be a bit tricky, but overall they went well :)

Like my own post, Matt's post dealt with the dangers of smoking cigarettes. He had us play a game where we used a picture of us and there was a glass Popsicle and we tried to get it into our mouth and when we missed it would make us bleed.  I feel like this was equivalent to how harsh the effects of tobacco is, but some of the more serious effects we do not see until way later in our life so people at our age do not always take the risks as seriously as they should.  This was an interesting game that opened my eyes up about how "gross" smoking really is. I am almost 100% sure that if this is what happened to us every time we smoked, people would NEVER smoke!

Sam who was in my group had an activity where we took a quiz that was about asthma. Like I stated earlier to Sam, Asthma is quite common and can be pretty serious.  My dad has asthma and it can really affect someones life. I found Sam's quiz to be beneficial and I did okay, I got 3 out of 6 so there was certainly things I can improve on! There was a flyer that Sam contained in her post as well that she wanted us to take a look at. When I was doing this I learned some more information like where I can go to find out more information about this or how air symptoms can trigger asthma to be more serious than normal.

Dane had a post about the oil spill and wanted to to write a reflection on what we had learned. I think this was a good idea because it got us to really think about how this spill would affect us and our life because we do not always think of it in that way because it does not always directly affect us at first.  This is kind of similar to smoking in the way that sometimes people do not always consider it a huge problem if they are not seeing the effects of what is going on first hand and immediately.  This is not a good way to go about thinking about things because it can end up catching up with you and really hurting you in the long run! His post was pretty detailed and in depth. 
My job is to work at Boulder Ridge so I do not feel that the job that I currently have would be affected anytime immediately by this.
My friends and family do not have any jobs in that location so I do not feel like they would be directly affected either.
I like be around nature and doing activities outside. If this area was blocked off I feel that it would take a lot of excitement away from the activities that I enjoy doing most.

If there was a lot of pollution in an area I feel that it would end up keeping a lot of people away. People would more than likely not want to vacation in this area anymore because I know I sure would not want to.  Not only would Duluth be polluted then, we would be losing a lot of tourists who bring in money and all of this would end up being pretty harmful. The people of this area would also be affected in unhealthy ways!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Reflections: Weeks 13-14 & Overall Course

Over the past few weeks I have learned a lot in this class.  Some of the things I enjoyed the most over the past two weeks would be the trip that we look to Goodwill!  The tour was very interesting and eye opening.  I was never aware that they did so many things there and I thought this was a good experience that we were able to have.  I thought that the activity that we did was also fun and a good way to have a chance to look around the store.  I also enjoyed being able to find "junk" around my apartment and turn it into something new and something that I can still get use out of.  I found it interesting to be able to see what everyone else in the class made as well.  It was really neat to see how unique all of my classmates were. 
Throughout the entire class I learned so many new things that I did not know before.  I made more of a conscious effort throughout the semester to try and be more environmentally friendly and make sure that I was recycling whenever possible.  The goal that I made "forced" me to drink more water and make sure that I was not doing so out of a plastic water bottle.  So many of the documentaries that we watched were really eye opening and made me realize things and look at the environment in a way I never had before. I am happy that I was able to have this class and get such a wonderful experience and learn so many new things that I can continue to apply to my everyday life.  I will take a lot of the information that I gained in this class with me and continue to pass it on to those around me. :)
-picture from here


The first picture located above is all three of the items that I made and the second picture is more up-close of the candle holder that I made from a recycled fruit can.  I decorated it and then used part of the old garbage can to make a bottom for the holder.  The other two items are also recycled pieces that I turned into something "new and improved." What was once a garbage can I turned into a lamp shade and something that broke off of my air conditioner, I decorated and turned to into a picture frame.

Share & Voice: GREEN Ideas for the Holidays!

Hey guys, I thought this would be beneficial to share with you all for the holidays. It is some green ideas for the holidays :) It has a lot of interesting unique ideas and tips if you want to take a closer look it is pretty neat! Let me know what you think...!

Take a look.

Picture from here!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Advocacy Project:Smoking is HARMFUL for your HEALTH!

-Title: If Smoking is SO Harmful, Why Start!?! NOT to mention, why would you put other people in danger with your second hand smoke?
-Purpose: To hopefully encourage people to not even try to start smoking because it is so harmful for people and not good for the environment and also very harmful for those people around the smoker who are getting the second hand smoke.
-Background/Reasoning/Evidence:I want you to know a little bit more about smoking and all of the harmful damage and effects that it causes people and the people around then who smoke or use tobacco products. Also, me and my grandma were really close all trough my childhood and she was a heavy smoker.  Despite me and my mom's numerous attempts to get her to stop, she would not.  Sadly, my grandma was diagnosed with severe lung cancer and died a few months later. This is not something I would ever wish on anyone and think that it is important you understand the dangers and risks. If you know how bad and harmful smoking is for you...I would hope that there would be no chance that you would even want to start! IF you are a current smoker, I understand it is addictive....but would hope that you would make every effort to stop because it is so dangerous and harmful to the people who are around your second hand smoke.
-Instructions: Please watch some of these videos and let me know one fact that they taught you or something they made you aware of that you did not know. If you knew this stuff, please share a feeling that you had when watching these. Thanks :)