- I was searching on YouTube and came across this video when I was looking for environmental information. This video was catchy to me, with the music playing in the background, the numerous pictures, as well as the text that flashes across the screen with informational facts that relate to some of the images and themes which are being shown and I feel relate clearly to environmental health.
- I would say this YouTube video is mainly informational based but somewhat educational too. It contains different pictures of our air and land being polluted as well as the negative effects on oceans, animals, people and our planet. It is a wake up call to me to see some of these photographs put together by a student who attends the University of Oregon and it was for an Environmental and Population class.
- This YouTube video gives a broad overview of problems happening in the world around us, on our own planet, and I felt this was a good video to do my first post on. It will help connect me to the other share and voices I will be doing for the rest of the semester that all relate to environmental health.
- Here the actual link where the video was specifically taken from: