Friday, October 8, 2010

Share & Voice: How To Be Environmentally Friendly

I came across a really interesting website that states a lot of different ways to be environmentally friendly.  It contains some good tips, some may common sense, but I thought this would e a good website to bring to our attention.  When I was going through the blogs and commenting/reading some of the other posts, I noticed that a lot of people were shocked when they took the quiz and found out the number of planets there were using.  A lot of people said they thought of themselves as more environmental friendly than the results were showing.  Here is a website to help you out and to make sure you are doing all that you can for the environment! :)

How To Be Environmentally Friendly

Picture came from Google, which then linked me here


  1. This is a very good website and it gives really good tips for ways to become more green. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. This is a very useful tool for college students. I wonder who we could contact on our campus to possibly create or ensure there's a webpage similar to this one to help students/faculty/staff on our campus. If anyone knows please let me know and I would love to contact them!

  3. I think it is a good idea for everyone to know how harmful their lifestyle is to the environment. This will hopefully make people more aware and make a change.

  4. This is a great site. I like how it relates to the "college students" way of living. I know when I was a freshman I never really thought about turning the lights off in my dorm room when I wasn't there. Great post!

  5. This is a good idea. It's one thing knowing your environmentally friendly or not and the other to know what to do to become environmentally friendly!

  6. This is a great website, especially for college students like us. I think they should sent this to the freshman, so they know what they can do to help out! I wish I would have known about this when I lived in the dorms.
