Friday, October 29, 2010

Share & Voice: Global Waring

I found an interesting website that relates to global warming.  I thought this site was helpful because it says things you can do on an individual level that will help to lesson global warming.  Some people may already be aware of these things you can do, some of you may not and there may be some new ideas that you have not thought of yet.

This website has the top 10 things you do to reduce global warming.  Here are the top 5 listed on the website:
  1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  2. Use less heat and air conditioning
  3. Change a light bulb
  4. Drive less and drive smart
  5. Buy energy efficient products
I suggest you to visit this website to see the other 5 things you can do.  This site is interesting because under the ideas listed it will give you a more in depth description and even provide some links to some more specific sites, pictures and descriptions! Check it out and let me know what you think. 


  1. One thing I can definitly work on is turning things "off". I usually turn most items off when I'm not using them but things like small lights that are always on when plugged in do waste a lot of energy over time!

  2. Since this class, I have noticed how often I leave lights and other things turned on. I have gotten much better, but I do think I could still improve.

  3. This site has some interesting tips. I didn't know that changing your light bulbs to CFL bulbs you decrease the amount of green house gases.

  4. That's really handy that the list goes more in-depth with their information and that they provide specific resources pertaining to that particular topic. I feel a lot of people would like to help the environment, they just don't know where to start or where to look for information.
