Friday, November 5, 2010

Reflections: Weeks 5-8

  Overview of Some Topics Covered in Weeks 5-8
Weeks 5-8 in Environmental Health have been an interesting few weeks.  We have done different things, such as:
  • watched a few documentaries that covered environmental issues
  • created new headers for our blogs 
  • learned some new facts about "junking"  and other related terms  
  • found out some places around the Duluth area where these types of sales and activities go on  
 What I Personally Learned in Weeks 5-8
I learned some new information throughout these weeks that I was not aware of previously.  When watching the documentary, Tapped, I learned some things about water bottles that had never even crossed my mind!  After watching that video, I am really trying to limit and cut back on my use of plastic bottles.  An activity that I really enjoyed doing in these weeks was making the new blog headers.  I think these made our blogs look a lot better and I also enjoyed being able to create it on my own and add details and colors that I thought looked good with my blog and went well with my blog title.  Overall, I have learned a lot of new information these weeks that made me more aware of some of the behaviors I currently have toward the environment and some ways to make my behavior more positive, such as using less plastic bottles, to benefit not only myself, but others as well who live and share the same environment as me.

Picture From Here.


  1. I have also been really conscious of drinking water out of plastic bottles since watching Tapped. I have also become much more aware of how my actions the environment.

  2. I really liked the documentary about plastic bottles and it opened my eyes. I don't buy bottled water any more and I also told my roommates about the documentary. As a result of this, they are now drinking only tab water.

  3. I really liked learning how to make the headers. It really adds to our blogs and makes them more personable. I also liked the documentary on plastic bottles. I learned a lot from it.

  4. I agree...I think doing the blog header helped to really bring out our feel of the entire blog. I noticed a big change and it made it alot more fun to read & checkout each other's blogs.
