Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal

  • My goal: I will drink 12 ounces of water everyday from the facet or a drinking fountain only.
  • This goal is friendly for the environment because water is not only good for you and natural but by me only drinking from the facet and from drinking fountains will eliminate the use of plastic bottles and other products that harm the environment. 

  • This behavior is important to me because I need to start drinking more water, I do not drink enough and this is something that I really want to work on and improve to benefit my overall health and well being. 

  • I will start today by drinking an 8 oz. glass of water before I leave my apartment and drink water the rest of the day from drinking fountains around campus!
Picture from. 

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain


  1. I think your goal is very realistic and that you will be successful with it. I love that a lot of us went with the water theme. Hopefully we will have a positive impact on our environment.

  2. Good goal! I think that everyone should work on drinking more water so this goal is perfect. Also, it's nice that everyone is recognizing that bottled water isn't so great as we once thought. Way to go!

  3. I have the same goal! :) I am going to drink tap water out of my water bottle because I need to drink more water and I don't want to buy bottled water.

  4. This is a very unique goal. I like it though! good luck.

  5. Tap's all the same. This is a great goal..The tricky part will be just chugging it all down.
