Thursday, October 14, 2010

Share & Voice: 76 Ways to Save Money While Saving the Environment

I was searching the internet and came across an interesting website.  This website talks about ways you can save your money while also "going green."  It states on this site that a lot of people have the common assumption that when you are "going green" or trying to be environmentally friendly that you are spending a lot of extra money that many people do not want to spend.  This site explains interesting ways to not only save money, but also save the environment at the same time!  It relates well to us because we are in an Environmental Health class, learning about ways to save/help our environment, and also because we are college students and more than likely do not have a lot of extra money.

Some of the few ideas listed:
  • Only run your dishwasher when it is completely full, skip the pre-rinse stage to save water
  • Wash your clothes in cold water to save energy and money
  • Use your microwave less than your oven, not only does it cook food faster, but it also uses half of the electricity
  • Don't idle your car, if you will be sitting still for more than a minute, turn your car off and then turn it back on, surprisingly this saves energy...
  • Buy your refills of items in bulk, such as shampoo or soap, it is cheaper and uses less packaging
These are just a FEW of the numerous possibilities listed on this website.  If you are interested to check out any other ideas here is the link! 76 Ways to Save Money While Saving the Environment
-Picture from a Google Website!


  1. This is a good website. These are good tips as well!

  2. This is a really good website. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  3. This is a great website! I'm sure many of us are looking for every way possible to not only save money but to help the environment.

  4. I think that it is really interesting that the microwave uses less energy than an oven. You would think it would be different because the oven is much bigger. This is good to know.

  5. I would say one behavior I do struggle with is leaving my car on for a while in the winter. I learned once that simply turning your car on and then driving right away is very harsh on the engine. Though, I've never tried turning the car on, then turning it off, turning it back on again. I'll be sure to keep that in mind once the freezing weather is upon us!

  6. What a great website! It covers a lot of different topics, and most of the tips seem pretty easy to do!
