Monday, September 27, 2010

Read 'n' Seed 1: The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight

The title of the book I chose is The Lat Hours of Ancient Sunlight. This book talks about how many different things are "crashing down" around us, such as low oil prices, water shortages, wars and many other topics as well. This book is letting us know that there are still things that we can do to try and fix these problems we are facing. The book talks about what is happening and some of the main reasons for our cultures "blind behavior." It has a great emphasis on the important role that sunlight can play in our relationship to the world, each other and our natural resources. This information was taken from the Synopsis from Dr. V's homepage.  I chose this book because it was on the list of improved readings and the information sounds interesting to me. This book is also based on a movie so I found that interesting as well. This book has 400 pages so I will do posts broken up by the page numbers. I will post on each 100 pages for the remaining four posts due.  Here are some links you can look at or read that provide greater detail about this book and the author who wrote it.



  1. This book sounds interesting! It's cool that people are finding ways to fix the immaculate problems we are facing today.

  2. It will be really cool to see the movie after you finish the book. It might make things a little clearer to you if you there is something you don't understand! I wish I had that!

  3. This looks like an interesting read! It's so weird how much the world has changed. I remember when gas was $.99. It will be cool to read your posts on what you have learned.

  4. Your book sounds really interesting. I can't wait to learn more about the sunlight's role in our relationships and other topics from your book.

  5. Sounds like it's an intense book. When you mentioned 'blind behavior' is that referring to how people refuse to hear and consider the facts about what's happening to the world and resume with how they have always been living?

  6. Kristen, This seems like a really interesting book! It's good for us all to learn ways we can prevent some of the things that are going on around us and to be familiar with these issues.
