Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update

  • My Smart goal is to drink at least 12oz of water daily and to make sure I am not drinking it from a plastic bottle. I want to mainly get my water from the drinking fountain at school or from my faucet at home.  So far this is going well other than I am not a huge fan of water (weird, I know) so a few of the days I did not drink all 12oz. but I am pleased that when I was drinking water it was coming from the facet or the fountain.
  • It helped me to be successful by when going grocery shopping to not buy any plastic water bottles.  I also succeeded in this by making sure that I had a reusable water bottle that I could keep filling.  It was a challenge for me to drink water though when I had other choices surrounding me such as pop or juice. To deal with my challenges I am going to buy less juice and try and buy no pop the next time I go grocery shopping so that when I am at my apt. water is one of my only choices which will force me to drink more of it.
  • I felt good that I was sticking to my goal for the most part and happy that I am contributing to my well being and benefiting the environment at the same time.  This also made me feel successful.  
  • I learned that it is possible for me to be able to stick to my goal and that there are ways to go about doing so!
  • I will continue with this change for next week.  I will keep the same goal and continue to work towards it because I think right now this is a good and reasonable goal for me to keep working at. After I have success with this goal I will try and up my water intake consumption. 
  • Picture from here
  • Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain


  1. Our goals are very similar to its great to see you were successful also with your goal. Sometimes it can be hard to drink a lot of water, but I realized that if I just kept filling it up, I would keep drinking it. Also if you aren't that much of a fan of water add little packets of crystal light or something similar that adds flavor to the water.

  2. I have the same goal and it really helps when I bring my water bottle with me so I am constantly drinking some water.

  3. Water is so good for you! I used to drink a lot of juice and stuff because I though it was just as good but it turns out a majority of the drinks out there are mainly sugar! Once in a while I get the same way and don't want anymore water so now I just cut up lemon and add a slice of that to it! Its pretty good actually.

  4. Good work...I used to not be a big fan of water either; now i crave it! You just got to chug it down quick. Do you like cucumbers at all? I always add slices of cucumber into a pitcher of water at home & let it sit in the fridge. It makes it so much more flavorful & refreshing! It's my new favorite.

  5. This seems to be a popular goal! Keep up the good work. When I get sick of drinking water I usually bring some crystal light and mix that in with my water it switches it up a little.
